Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Beginning... not quite

I had two separate people tell me I should blog about my 2010 gardening attempt. So it's not quite at the beginning, I planted (sowed?) my seeds on Feb 15th. It's a little over two weeks later and oh boy how things have sprouted!

Here are photos of what has come up so far:

Holy Kentucky Beans Batman!

Lots of Lettuce, Zucchini, Radishes and the Beans - Peas under plastic (tape) haven't sprouted yet

Here we have Tomatoes, Butternut Squash, Radishes, and a few Sunflowers thrown in

I have three Butternut Squash seedlings that are from seeds I saved from a really nice big Squash we used for the Regifting Party menu. It was a very yummy Moroccan Stew. Also the Sunflowers are from seeds I saved from my Sunflowers last year, I hope they're not Monsanto Sunflowers...

This is the list of what was planted:

Roma Tomato
Brandywine Yellow Tomato
Black Krim Tomato
Beefsteak Tomato
OxHeart Tomato
Butternut Squash
Greek Oak Lettuce
Zucchini Round
Zucchini Black Beauty
Walthum Butternut Squash
Sweet Banana Pepper
Pea Green Arrow
Romaine Lettuce
Eggplant Black Beauty
Broccoli - Early Green
Red Romaine Lettuce
Black Seeded Sim Lettuce
Dark Red Beets
Kentucky Wonder Bean
Spaghetti Squash
White radish
Asian Foot Long Beans