I know my daily skin brushing (face too!) has made my skin look amazing. Add to that a diet of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, beans, herbs and spices, minimal processed foods, no animal products, and plenty of water.
That’s just part of the beauty evolution, another just as important part is mental or spiritual, whichever you prefer. A good attitude goes a long way, a smile can take you miles away. It’s been proven that people who are sick get better quicker if someone prays with them, doesn’t matter how, you can pray to Yoda if you like. I also know people who have healed their physical ailments with meditation. Stress is a killer as we all know. I'm slowly but surely getting more into the mental part of my beauty evolution, I've discovered guided meditation using Mediation Oasis podcast and often I meditate with Lola purring on my belly.
How is your Beauty Evolution journey going? I would love to hear how your journey is going and any tips that you may have. Please leave a comment below.