There are cucumbers, zucchinis, and butternut squashes.
The big one on the right is a butternut squash from seeds I saved. It was a large one that I used for our Regifting Party in January. I made a fab Moroccan Stew and Cousous with Chickpeas.
We also have collards (here is a photo of one the triffid
If you look closely you might be able to see the rogue tomatoes growing with the chard and collards.
Of my many, many tomato seedlings I had only one survivor.
The fun part is figuring out what it is since I lost track a few weeks ago. We were able to put 4 in the ground but after back to back 80+ degree days I lost 3 of them.
No worries though, I did pick up a few tomato plants, about 9, at our local hardware store. I bought 3 Romas and 3 Lemon boys, a Brandywine, a Patio and a yellow acid-free variety tomato. And of course we have the rogue tomatoes
I also planted radishes, beets and turnips in the garden bed with oregano just on the outside and sage in the flower garden.
In pots out back we have cilantro,
parsley, basil, radicchio, arugula, eggplant, mini peppers
and kitties.
Out front we have butternut squashes and more tomatoes and maybe some peppers.
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